Riding the Bikeway
People biking will be able to access the bikeway on the west end at Lincoln Street, at the east end at Alder Street, or by turning from intersecting streets onto the bikeway. At the Alder entrance, thanks to the newly added two-way bike lane from Kincaid to Alder, riders will be able to ride seamlessly from the entrance of campus onto the protected bikeway at 13th and Alder.
The Lincoln entrance has several options to enter the bikeway. One option for accessing the bikeway at Lincoln is to use the raised crosswalk at the intersection. The crosswalk has color-coded designated crossing space for people walking (white paint) and people biking (green paint). Note that under Oregon law traffic is legally required to stop for you if you ride at pedestrian speed or dismount and walk your bike in the crosswalk. Oregon law requires a person driving to stop for people walking or biking slowly through a crosswalk when the person driving is given adequate time to stop. View FAQ and answers about the bikeway.
Tips for riding the bikeway:
- The bikeway is two-way, so enjoy biking from Downtown to Campus and back!
- Come to a complete stop at all RED traffic signals and wait for the GREEN bike signal to proceed.
- The signals will automatically detect your bike (many use infrared detection).
- Ride in the right-hand lane of the bikeway to avoid conflicts with oncoming riders.
- When passing, ensure there are no oncoming riders, give the audible warning “passing on your left” or simply ring your bell, and then proceed to pass on the left-hand side.
- Always look for vehicle traffic and ensure you are aware of your surroundings.
- Per Oregon law, please use a white front headlight and rear red reflector when riding in the dark.
For current information on transportation construction projects in Eugene, please go to www.tripcheck.com or visit the City of Eugene’s project web site .
Construction of the 13th Avenue Bikeway started April 13, 2020. During construction people biking will need to detour to 12th Avenue. People traveling by vehicle on 13th Avenue should use the temporary traffic signals.
Source- https://www.eugene-or.gov/3742/13th-Avenue-Protected-Bikeway-2020#:~:text=The%20bikeway%20features%20a%20two,and%20the%20vehicle%20travel%20lanes.