Multiple Listing Service has a long history of working with real estate professionals.
MLS is an independent advertising and marketing company that provides databases, software, and standards to regional, board-maintained member groups.
In Eugene, Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc. (RMLS) represents its dues-paying REALTORS and associated professionals, offering buyers & sellers free access to all members’ listings.
Buyers and sellers benefit from using RMLS online searches and tools.
Eugene’s Alternative, REALTORS® offers a powerful, easy-to-navigate website with various search advantages, including properties categorized by neighborhoods.

The Multiple Listing Service was founded over 100 years ago when regional groups of real estate brokers began meeting to share their listings for the benefit of each other. They quickly discovered it would become necessary to adopt a means for compensating one another when sales were shared.
Today, MLS is an independent advertising and marketing company, operating for the benefit of member professionals engaged in real estate sales in local areas across America. It provides the means for listing real estate by way of an electronic database. Each region is responsible for maintaining a board, and individual members pay dues to their local Service for the use of MLS sales tools. Beside sharing information, MLS maintains standards for providing monetary compensation between sellers and buyers.
By way of specially created data bases and software, brokers are able to list their clients’ properties online, and view other members’ listed properties for sale in their area. Additionally, mortgage and insurance co. members have access to the information when they put together paperwork associated with a property sale.
Eugene Oregon MLS properties are represented by Regional Multiple Listing Service, Inc. As a potential buyer or seller, you are able to view homes and lands for sale in our area listed online on RMLS websites. This is a free service to you. We invite you to explore our Eugene’s Alternative-REALTORS website to experience the ways you (as a buyer or seller) can benefit from using a Realtor with a powerful online presence.
RMLS does not work directly with buyers or sellers. When you, as a buyer, find properties that interest you, contact a Realtor, like us at Eugene’s Alternator-REALTORS, to learn more about each listing. We will set up an online portal for you that provides access to homes that meet your specifics of price, size and other amenities. You will also receive an email when a new home is listed in RMLS. As you narrow your search to specific online properties that you wish to visit, we, as your RMLS member Realtor will accompany you to the listing. As RMLS members, we have the authority to enter all RMLS-listed homes via electronic access.
As a seller, our RMLS’s electronic access offers security and information about who has visited your property. Each Realtor who enters the home is recorded and asked to offer buyer feedback to the seller’s agent. This information is passed on to you, the seller, by us and thus, provides an understanding of a buyer’s likes or dislikes. For example, if you receive several comments about your garage (“Client doesn’t know if their cars will fit”) you’ll know why it’s time to de-clutter.
Many REALTORS, including Eugene’s Alternative, REALTORS®, create unique websites that allow visitors to search for properties in several ways. You’ll find a “Map Search” on our home page that lets you enter basic information (price, bedrooms & size) into boxes and begin searching for MLS-listed homes for sale in the Eugene area. You can search by address, MLS #, land, farm, single or multiple family, and commercial. We want your search to be quick and easy, so we let you choose how you want to use our website to find your perfect Eugene area home.