Real Estate Finance

Real Estate Finance

Mortgage Declined? Here’s What to Do

By Daniel Bortz Aug 2, 2023 (Getty Images) No one likes to be told “no.” (Rejection hurts—we get it.) And having your application for a mortgage declined is particularly devastating, [...]

Mortgage Declined? Here’s What to Do2023-08-24T11:57:33-08:00

The Foreclosure Process Explained in 4 Simple Steps

By Jeanne Sager Jul 14, 2023 (Photo-Illustration by; Source: Getty Images) The foreclosure process isn’t something any homeowner wants to go through. Yet unfortunately, foreclosures are up 15% for the first [...]

The Foreclosure Process Explained in 4 Simple Steps2023-07-18T13:17:25-08:00

What to Do When Your Home is Underwater

By Angela Colley Jul 12, 2023 (Getty Images) When you buy a home, you hope it will appreciate in value while you pay off your mortgage, but it doesn’t always [...]

What to Do When Your Home is Underwater2023-07-13T09:54:23-08:00

What Happens If I Skip a Mortgage Payment?

By Daniel Bortz Jun 27, 2023 (Getty Images) “What happens if I skip a mortgage payment?” is one of those questions we hope you never have to ask, but life [...]

What Happens If I Skip a Mortgage Payment?2023-06-30T11:53:43-08:00
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