Home Buying 101

Home Buying 101

Yes, You Can Compete With All-Cash Buyers-Here’s How

By Jamie Wiebe Aug 17, 2023 (Photo-Illustration by Realtor.com; Source: Getty Images) To some of us, all-cash buyers are the scourge of the superhot housing market: They swoop in, supervillain-like, [...]

Yes, You Can Compete With All-Cash Buyers-Here’s How2023-08-28T09:59:34-08:00

Mortgage Declined? Here’s What to Do

By Daniel Bortz Aug 2, 2023 (Getty Images) No one likes to be told “no.” (Rejection hurts—we get it.) And having your application for a mortgage declined is particularly devastating, [...]

Mortgage Declined? Here’s What to Do2023-08-24T11:57:33-08:00

What Are FHA-Approved Condos?

By Tara Mastroeni Jul 11, 2023 (Getty Images) An FHA-approved condo is a property that can be purchased using FHA loans—or loans that are insured by the Federal Housing Administration. These [...]

What Are FHA-Approved Condos?2023-07-12T08:43:27-08:00

What Is the Standard Down Payment on a House?

By Lisa Johnson Mandell Jun 14, 2023 (Getty Images) “Down payment”: Ask most people what is an acceptable down payment on a house, and nine times out 10, they’ll tell [...]

What Is the Standard Down Payment on a House?2023-06-20T10:09:56-08:00
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