Real Estate News

Real Estate News

Real Estate News2024-07-31T13:29:02-08:00

8 Must-Know Facts About VA Loans

By Veterans United The VA loan program has backed more than 28 million loans in its nearly 80-year history. While its roots are in the original GI Bill of 1944, this mortgage benefit is in many ways more important today than ever. During a time of [...]

10 Things Most Homebuyers Get Wrong About Getting a Mortgage Today

By Kimberly Dawn Neumann Oct 16, 2023 (Getty Images) While buying a home has always been a challenging milestone, today’s high interest rates have made this dream even harder to achieve. Over the past two years, interest rates on home loans have nearly doubled from the 3% range [...]

10 Essential Questions to Ask When Buying a Home (That You May Have Missed)

By Lisa Johnson Mandell Oct 11, 2023 Photo by Kindel Media: You’ve finally found it: a home you’re swooning over and dying to own. From the exposed ceiling beams to the hardwood floors, this feels like the place. So what’s next? Don’t just stand there dumbstruck; it’s [...]

7 Things Your Home Inspector Wishes You Knew

By Jamie Wiebe Oct 12, 2023 (David Sacks/Getty Images) A home inspector can make or break a sale for both sellers and buyers. It’s why, no matter whether you’re buying or selling, the home inspection process can be somewhat terrifying! For sellers, it’s a stark reminder of the nagging issues [...]

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