Real Estate News

Real Estate News

Real Estate News2024-07-31T13:29:02-08:00

How Much Is Enough for a Down Payment?

By Lisa Marie Conklin Nov 16, 2023 Photo by Ketut Subiyanto: Most would-be homebuyers start their journey by gathering a down payment. This money is crucial to snagging a mortgage and getting that much closer to homeownership. But when you’re shelling out for hefty rent each month, paying [...]

10 Costs of Buying a Home You Need To Know About

By Craig Donofrio Nov 7, 2023 (iStock) The costs of buying a home go well beyond the actual purchase price. If you’re a first-time home buyer, you might get a little queasy when the last line of your good-faith estimate comes in at several thousand dollars. And after the [...]

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