Real Estate News

Real Estate News

Real Estate News2024-07-31T13:29:02-08:00

Is a Mortgage Pre-Approval Letter Necessary To Make An Offer on a House?

By Adriana VelezApr 23, 2022 (Peter Dazeley/Getty Images) Do you need a mortgage pre-approval letter to make an offer on a house? You know you need to get your ducks in a row before looking at homes, but does that include securing a pre-approval letter from the bank? The truth is, getting [...]

Earth Day 2022: Theme, Facts, Latest Events, and Celebrations

Each year on April 22, billions of people across the globe join together to raise awareness about environmental protection. This global event is known as Earth day. Earth Day was first celebrated in the United States on April 22, 1970. Today around 1 billion people [...]

Are We Approaching Bubble Territory in the U.S. Real Estate Market?

By Clare TrapassoApr 19, 2022 (Getty Images) Fast-rising home prices? Check. Out-of-control bidding wars? Check. Investors flooding the market? Check. Over the past two years, the nation has watched worriedly as home prices seemed to hit a new record high every month. Many buyers have been offering six [...]

What Is a Hard Money Lender? It’s Not as Scary as You Might Think

By Lisa Johnson MandellApr 13, 2022 (worldofvector/iStock) What is a hard money lender? The real estate term may conjure up visions of crooked-nosed guys who’ll cut off a borrower’s pinkie finger for flaking on a hard money loan. But you can rest assured that, despite the “hard [...]

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