Real Estate News

Real Estate News

Real Estate News2024-07-31T13:29:02-08:00

Can Changing Jobs Prevent You From Getting a Mortgage?

By Ana Durrani Jun 7, 2022 (Getty Images) Taking on a new job can be exciting. But if getting a new gig happens to coincide with your plans to buy a home, it can affect your ability to get a mortgage—even if you make more money in [...]

On the House: Should I Max Out My Budget To Buy My First Home?

By Clare Trapasso Jun 8, 2022 ( / Getty Images) Between the increases in mortgage rates and prices, it’s so hard to afford a home now. Should I max out my budget? Don’t do it. Granted, it’s hard not to buy a home at the top of your budget [...]

How to Calculate Depreciation on a Rental Property

By Cathie Ericson May 24, 2022 (Getty Images) When most people rent out their homes, they simply post their property online (with the other homes for rent), get a tenant, and watch those rent payments roll in. But smart landlords know that collecting this passive income isn’t [...]

How Much Home Can I Afford? Find That Magic Number Here

By Cathie Ericson May 24, 2022 (Getty Images) How much house can I afford? Long before you start asking yourself what type of house you want—condo or house? Craftsman or ranch?—you should ask yourself this pragmatic question. After all, it’s no secret that your dream home can quickly [...]

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