Real Estate News

Real Estate News

Real Estate News2024-07-31T13:29:02-08:00

How to Seal Granite Countertops: Steps to Protect This Kitchen Surface

By Adriana Velez Nov 10, 2022 (SasinParaksa/iStock) The best way to seal granite countertops is a bit of knowledge that you’d better have if you’re a homeowner—that is, if this granite surface is where you prep your meals. While this natural stone countertop might seem invincible, [...]

Home Prices Would Need to Fall This Much For Buyers to Get a Break

By Clare Trapasso Nov 7, 2022 (Getty Images) Since home prices shot into the stratosphere, many first-time buyers have prayed for them to fall so that they could afford to become homeowners. Their wishes appear to have been granted—and yet, they’re caught in a paradox: Even as prices have [...]

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