Real Estate News

Real Estate News

Real Estate News2024-07-31T13:29:02-08:00

How to Take a Home Office Tax Deduction When You Work From Home

By Margaret Heidenry Feb 21, 2023 (iStock) Of all the tax breaks available, the home office tax deduction is among the murkiest and most misunderstood. And the passage of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has made things even more complicated. So if you work [...]

How to Set the Right Budget for a Cost Effective Home Remodel

By Ana Durrani Feb 9, 2023 (Getty Images) Dreaming up a home remodel is easy, but budgeting for one can be way more challenging than it seems. Most homeowners have their sights set on a room or section of the house they’d like to revamp. And [...]

What is a FHA 203(k) loan? Benefits Requirements and How it Works

By Erik Gunther Feb 8, 2023 ( Whether you’re buying a fixer-upper or just want to modernize the kitchen of a dated home before you move in, a FHA 203(k) loan insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) could be the solution to purchasing a home that will [...]

Save Money (and the Planet): An Energy Efficient Mortgage, Explained

By Lisa Marie Conklin Feb 7, 2023 (Getty Images) Are you a buyer with your eyes on a charming older house or a bargain fixer-upper? As you’re researching what it will take to buy the property, you’ll likely come across some hefty costs for updates to replace the outdated [...]

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