Real Estate News

Real Estate News

Real Estate News2024-07-31T13:29:02-08:00

Making an Offer On a New Home: Real Tips From Real Estate Agents

By Jamie Wiebe Mar 13, 2023 (BernardaSv/iStock) We’ll get right down to it: Shopping for a home is fun. But once you find the home that makes you swoon, things start to get real—real fast. Think of making an offer on a home as setting the roller coaster in [...]

7 Magnificent Mobile Homes That Defy the Tired ‘Trailer Park’ Reputation

By Kellie Speed Mar 13, 2023 ( Mobile homes have come a long way. Despite their reputation as a last resort for desperate homebuyers who can’t afford a “traditional” home, these prefabricated structures are not all depressing metal boxes. They can be stylish, well designed, and extremely affordable options [...]

4 Buzzy Gardening Trends We Can’t Wait To Try This Spring

By Brittany Natale Mar 8, 2023 With the promise of warm weather on the horizon, our thoughts naturally go to the great outdoors—and the day when we can soon get our hands dirty in the garden. If you’re as excited about exercising your green thumb as [...]

When is the Best Time to Sell Your House? 5 Factors to Consider

By Daniel Bortz Mar 4, 2023 (Getty Images) Timing makes a huge difference in terms of selling your home quickly and for the most cash. But here’s the thing: The rules on pinpointing that best time might not be entirely obvious. The assumption that spring is always the [...]

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