Real Estate News

Real Estate News

Real Estate News2024-07-31T13:29:02-08:00

4 Ways to Deal If Your Appraisal Comes in Low

By Maureen Dempsey Sep 13, 2023 (-Oxford-/iStock) The home-buying process is a high-stakes thrill ride full of exhilarating ups and scary downs, but unquestionably one of the most deflating moments is when the appraisalcomes in significantly lower than the accepted offer. This is, to use technical real estate lingo, [...]

Why Should I Put My Home in a Living Trust?

By Lisa Kaplan Gordon Aug 29, 2023 (DNY59/iStock) Life is short. And while no one wants to focus on the end, forcing yourself to do so can ultimately makes things a bit easier for your loved ones—not just emotionally, but financially too. One way to deal [...]

Yes, You Can Compete With All-Cash Buyers-Here’s How

By Jamie Wiebe Aug 17, 2023 (Photo-Illustration by; Source: Getty Images) To some of us, all-cash buyers are the scourge of the superhot housing market: They swoop in, supervillain-like, and snatch up the most beloved and valuable properties from under our noses. Or at least [...]

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