Let’s Get Packing on Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!

Happy Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!
When we aren’t frantically trying to pop an entire roll of the stuff, bubble wrap usually enters our lives when we are in the process of packing up a home. In honor of Bubble Wrap Day, here are a few packing tips from HouseLogic, the comprehensive website for homeowners from the REALTORS®.
Take photos before packing. Before pulling everything out of bookcases and display cases or pulling all the cords out of televisions or computers, take a few pictures. When it comes time to unpack everything having a reference for where to put everything will make the process a lot simpler and smoother.
Color code. Grab some colored markers and assign each room in your house a color, then mark the packed boxes with their room’s color. This will help movers quickly determine where to place boxes in the new house, which will speed up the moving process.
Tape cords to appliances. There is no need to go digging through boxes of cords, plugs, cables, etc. to set up a TV up a new home. When packing up electronics simply tape all the corresponding wires to the TV/computer/stereo/etc. and then its just a matter of plug and play!
Use the right sized boxes. It’s important to remember that someone will be carrying all these boxes, so make sure to use small boxes to pack heavy items, like books. Making boxes too heavy can cause them to break open and can be dangerous for the backs of anyone lifting them.
For more information on becoming a packing pro, check out HouseLogic.com.
Source: NAR – Newsline Blog
Let’s Get Packing on Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!